Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This week's Prayer Places

Last week (click here for post) I began to pray for those around the world. I would pick each week a state of the United States; a province of Canada; and a country to pray for. Last week Kansas, Nova Scotia, and Australia were chosen. This week, I'd like to choose:
United States: Maine
Canada: New Brunswick
World: Estonia

I am fascinated by the story of the Acadians in Canadian history. To read more about this see this article here. I was first introduced to the struggle of the Acadians by Christian author, Janette Oke. Together with T. Davis Bunn they wrote a series that was based on the time period of the Great Expulsion and subsequent events. The first book is entitled, "The Meeting Place." Some of the Acadians returned to Canada and settled in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, with the larger population being in New Brunswick. Today, I believe there are still descendants of the Acadians, still living, and primarily Roman Catholic.

The Acadians are just one portion of the population of the province of New Brunswick. Let's pray for the entire population as you are led by the Lord.

I also chose Estonia. Freedom from Soviet rule was acquired in 1988, thus resulting in religious freedom. Since the church is no longer persecuted Christian witness is allowed to occur. Lorna, who is currently attending a seminary in Estonia, from see-through faith, writes the following prayer request, "For Estonia another prayer request would be that Christians could reach the Russian speakers here (they are a minority - about 25% I think. Sometimes the Orthodox Church think the Russians belong to them." This week let's keep the people of Estonia in prayer as you are led by the Lord.

The state for this week, is Maine. Let's pray for those in Maine this week as you are led by the Lord.

If at any time you have any information about the places we are praying for, please leave a comment.


heidi @ ggip said...

This is a lovely idea to actually specifically pray for our world. I loved those Janette Oke books. Maybe I'll see if I still have the ones in the Acadian serires.

Anonymous said...

Some wonderful places you have picked to pray for :)...Thank you also for the history lesson. Always appreciated.

Vicki said...

What a wonderful idea! I want to do this, too. Thank you for inspiring me to pray around the world! I also want to step up my prayers for the persecuted church this year...their website has lots of resources. Anyways, sending warm hugs and prayers for you.

seethroughfaith said...

I love this aph :)

The UMC in Estonia (Russian speaking congregation) have their 50th anniversary on Feb 17th- a church that was founded in a time of persecution by the KGB under soviet rule ... makes you really think!!!