Monday, January 8, 2007

Of Stained Glass and my sidebar

Some of you may be wondering what is up with the stained glass motif for my blog. Over Christmas, I was analyzing my spiritual life, and my life with those around me. The Lord has led me to focus the coming year on the Dirty Feet for Heaven in 2007 Revolution, (see sidebar for links explaining this revolution. The first couple of links are from my old blog.). I feel the Lord is also having me to learn the hard work of moulding together with other people for Him. Trying to meet others where they are at, sharing Christ with them, forgiving them for any hurts they may have caused me and learning how TOGETHER we can glorify God. Thus the stained glass imagery. Being brought together as individual pieces into a common bond to reflect Christ's love and light to the rest of the world.

You'll find on my sidebar a link to a post I created where you as a reader can add your own prayer requests and praises. I LOVE to pray for my readers. Above that section, is a place where we as believers can pray for people living in other places around the world. Also on the sidebar is a section of noteworthy posts by other bloggers that have said some things that has really helped me and may be a blessing to you as well. I will keep adding these quotes as I come across them. Scroll down further for previous posts, friends (my blogroll), my other active blog, what I am participating in, and other useful links.

Feel free to comment at any time about the posts, and any prayer requests you may have. I LOVE to pray for you my readers.

Be blessed.


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful imagery to compare a stain-glassed window with the body of Christ -- all piece held together by Him.

Ivy said...

I`ve always loved stained glass windows, we have a beautiful one in our church and I relate so much to it, so thought how lovely it is to see those sentiments on your sidebar.

Imperfect Christian said...

I love your link idea! What a great way to keep the words of others close to you! Just another way our Lord speaks to us...through the voices of others!

ampraisingHim said...

Thanks, folks for your kind comments, DennisS, eph2810, ivy...thanks for the encouragement about the imagery of the stained glass window. I wasn't too sure if the readers would catch on. Thanks. Imperfect christian, when I came across the post from 'today at the mission' I just had to come up with something to share with my readers, on my sidebar. Glad you liked it. I'm having fun with this blog and seeing where the Lord leads me with it.