Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thankful Thursdays~ Small Praises 5

I'm so thankful for a keyboard!! Something went wrong with my computer yesterday and things looked very glum about me posting for a while. However, this morning, just a few minutes ago, my husband tried his keyboard on my computer and wahoo!! it worked. Only my keyboard is broken. Right now I have my husband's which allows me to post!!!!

I'm also thankful for:
~ the sun making fresh fallen snow sparkle!!
~ people who have to brave the harsh cold/snowy elements to work--plow drivers, bus drivers, taxis, garbage collectors, etc.
~the Lord
~my family
~on Monday morning, as my son and I stood at the end of the snowy driveway, we watched in amazement as my son's school bus (already late) just whooshed on by without stopping for him. My husband called the school, found out it was a substitute driver, and the transportation manager radioed him to come back for our son. He did come back, and when my son finally boarded the bus, he was quite late for school. I then proceeded to go (albeit already much later than usual) on my morning walk indoors at the church (my husband is a pastor, and the church is nearby). While on the walk I thought about the bus incident. I finally came to the conclusion that for some reason this could work out for good. As I was leaving the church, at that moment, a van pulled in and turns around. I noticed that it was for a health screening unit based out of a major city a good 4 hours away. I asked if they needed directions, and they said that they were fine, just turning around. The driver, was very nice and thanked me for my concern. As they left, I sensed in my spirit that the Lord wanted me to pray for them that day. So I did. ......Now, if my son's bus had not been late, and I had walked on time, I would have been back home when the van pulled into the church's driveway. I thank the Lord that He uses things that at first could be irritants, to turn out for His good.

For more Thankful Thursday participants, click here.


heidi @ ggip said...

Lovely post. I am thankful for all the people working in the snow too! What would we do with out them!

Nice story about the bus incident too.

Unknown said...

Isn't it cool how God works!? My Thankful Thursday is up too. I've also started another blog if you'd like to visit at

heidi @ ggip said...

Hi again. Thanks for stopping by. I just wanted to say thanks for your comment. I think it added a lot to the discussion. You are totally right to think of those people who just can't afford to do the special Valentine's things but are pressured to do it anyhow.
We ate at home too.

Lisa said...

Very cool practice of attitude of gratitude. Thanks for sharing!


TaunaLen said...

I too am thankful for God's timing, and for people like you who listen when God prompts them to intercede for others. Without the intercession of friends, I know we would have had different outcomes in times when our family really needed prayer. Thank you, for sharing such a lovely post.


Anonymous said...

I think it is awesome that you prayed for strangers :)...I sometimes pray for the people who cut me off in traffic...It keeps me focused and not bend out of shape :)..

Thank you for sharing your thankful list with us today.

Blessings on your afternoon and always.

Constance said...

I like this idea and will try and incorporate it on my blog as well.

Sometimes when I get irritable for having to wait at a red light or something, I try and remind myself that it could be God's way of keeping me safe. If I've started my day in prayer, I tend to think this way. When I don't I get crabby!

A long time ago, I got stuck behind a slow driver that aggravated me. I was behind this person up until I entered the ramp to get on the interstate. Just ahead of me, a truck had lost its ladder and it was lying in the highway. Had I have been going faster, maybe I would've hit it. Those kinds of things have happened to me more than just this one instance!

Ms. Kathleen said...

This is such a sweet post! I love the sun sparkling on snow. It does make it just look magical doesn't it!

Have a great evening!

Delete said...

"He uses things that at first could be irritants." That is so true! Once I was down the street and I thought, did I leave my garage door open? I turned around. It was closed so I continued on my way. The delay was maybe 10 seconds. As I drove down the main road, I watch a talke southern pine come crashing down across the roadway taking down the telephone wires. This was about 10 second before I would have been in that spot. Wow! Does God have plans that we don't know about or what?

Blessings to you and praises for the keyboard!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to stop by and say hello and tell you that I have been thinking about you.

Denise said...

Really enjoyed your post.

Looney Mom™ said...

We probably can't even count the times that God has orchestrated something like that in our lives and we complained. There is a reason for every "irritant." Thanks for the reminder.

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

What a lovely story! Thank you for sharing. It makes me wonder how your prayer touched the people in the van. :)