Friday, January 19, 2007

Authentic Christianity~part 2

If you haven't already done so, please read part 1 of my post entitled: Authentic Christianity, to get a better understanding of where I'm coming from.

To answer the second question I saw being raised about authentic Christianity in "View from the Trekant"'s post, let me continue telling you about my snow adventures today.

After I got my son on the bus, I took off for my morning walk; a normal part of my morning routine. Today with the three inches of snow on the ground my walk was very interesting. Thankfully it wasn't icy~if it was, I would've went back inside. I had enough with a foot injury due to ice a few years ago. Anyways there was no ice, just a blanket of snow on the sidewalks. The bobcat hadn't been through yet. Now if you are wondering: the bobcat I'm referring to is not the four-legged, live, animal~~its the machine, with wheels and a driver safely encased in a hood-like thingy plowing the sidewalks! :) Walking in three inches of snow is very similar to walking on dry sand at the ocean's shore. Let's just say my leg muscles got their work-out today! LOL.

Anyways, it seems that I was a trailblazer today. I loved it! I was going where no man/woman had gone before. Now as I came closer to some of the businesses, some of their sidewalks were cleared and my legs got a little reprieve. However most of the time I was blazing a trail in the fresh white snow, albeit closer to the road's edge it was brown from the plow's throwing the road snow up onto the sidewalk. No matter, my footprints were enjoying the snow!!

On one part of my walk, I noticed I wasn't the trailblazer anymore. Someone, with boots much larger than mine had gone on before. I'm guessing this was a man, due to the size of the boots. What was unique about these bootprints were the way they were planted. The prints were almost at a 90 degree angle with each other. Instead of being semi parallel like: I I........they were more like V. I know footprints are not exactly parallel, side by side, but they are generally going in the same direction, albeit a little apart. These bootprints were almost like: \ and then / in the snow. I'm guessing maybe the person had some sort of limp or trouble with their legs...something. All I know if I was to try to follow in his footsteps exactly..that would be very painful for me. My stride is shorter, my feet aren't that far apart, and the angle of his prints would cause some difficulty...maybe even throw my bad knee out of joint! So following in his footprints would not be recommended.

Thus I need to make my own tracks...blaze my own trail in the snow, for the comfort and health of my own legs, knees, feet and ankles. I liken this to our Christian walk....if we try to follow others in their walk by trying to do and be like them, it is in essence as difficult as trying to walk in a V formation. We can't walk in a V if we are made to walk more like a I I. Conversely, that man would not be comfortable if he tried to walk in I I formation, when he was created to walk in a \ / formation. We each need to blaze our own trail in our Christian walk, not following anyone else's footsteps, but only following the footsteps, though often unseen, of our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. We know where He is leading us by our daily Bible reading,and talking/listening Him in prayer.

Are you a trailblazer, making your own trail by following Jesus, or are you trying to bend your legs into a \ / formation in your Christian walk?


Anonymous said...

Another great analogy. I pray that I make my 'own' trail following Him and His Word.

Blessings on your Sunday and always...

Constance said...

I love how God uses the simplest of object lessons to speak truth into our lives!
Forge on!

View from the Trekant said...

Very beautiful parables and very thoughtful essays!

Additional thoughts that your parables bring out:

Maybe God, who could have cleared the snow has a purpose for your walks in the snow. So often we want Him to clear our troubles instead of leading us through troubles.

How blessed you are when you recognize that someone else's footsteps are not right for you. The steps led in the same direction, but you had to go in your own stride.

Sometimes I think too many of us believe there is only one type of Christian. Then we wear ourselves out trying to have a personality that is not ours.